jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009


The global warming is an important fact which is unstoppable in this moment.
The goverment should avoid the opening industries and should reduce the cost of renewable energies to help to stop this situation, among other things.
People have to be aware with this situation but the goverments have an important position, while people do somethings to contribute to stop this situation the goverments find excuses to do nothing because it isn't good fot their economic interest

2 comentarios:

  1. Thank for the links and congratulations for your new blog, Sara.

  2. Hola Sara,

    Soy Ivone de http://www.abaenglish.com y quiero hacerte una propuesta para unirte a nuestro programa de afiliados. ¿Puedes facilitarme una dirección de mail a la cual te pueda escribir?

    Muchas gracias,

